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Nothing in this World

Jeff Straw

October 05, 2014

Genre: Folk

More by Jeff



Views: 956

Responses: 1



About This Song

A standard folk song about the perils of self-inflicted loneliness.

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1 Response

Nigel Parry

Nice melody. But it needs more change - bridge, chorus or something.

November 06, 2014

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Nothing in this World

Written by Jeff Straw

Born into this world to a small, unequipped girl.
She made her final cries before I breathed.
Now, my daddy, I don't know,
But I've heard he's found a home.
There is nothing in this world I'm meant to keep.

Bounced from home to home like a puppy not condoned.
Climbed over every fence that I could see.
I never made a stand,
Because I have no roots to plant.
There is nothing in this world I'm meant to keep.

Abrupt change of plans: a promise and a hand.
I married the only girl I thought I'd need.
But the winter's got too hard,
And being poor left us both scarred.
There is nothing in this world I'm meant to keep.

Though you know I love you so, that's a risk I can't condone.
You deserve to be treated like a queen.
Since he'll love you all his life,
Have him take you as his wife.
There is nothing in this world I'm meant to keep.


Nigel Parry

Nice melody. But it needs more change - bridge, chorus or something.

November 06, 2014


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