Songwriting Pro: Helping Songwriters Turn Pro.

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A collection of interviews, updates, tips and resources for songwriters.

Are you writing songs from the most powerful point of view?

Tips & Resources by Brent Baxter, Pro Songwriter on June 20, 2018

Sometimes we hit a roadblock with our song because we’re writing from the wrong (or less than best) point of view.

Let’s say you’re writing about domestic abuse. (I know, I know. It’s an uplifting topic, but bear with me.) Consider all the characters your singer could be:

The abusive husband.

The abused wife.

The child who is a witness / victim.

The neighbor who overhears them.

The police officer called to the scene.

And these are only some of the PEOPLE who could tell the story. If you get a little further out there, your singer could even be:

The wedding ring.

The family dog.

The hole he punched in the wall.

The bathroom mirror where she puts on makeup to cover the bruises.

The angel who comforts the child hiding under the bed.

God, watching the whole thing.

Or your singer could simply act as a reporter who says, “he did this, she did that,” and isn’t involved in the story as a character.

The options are pretty limitless. And each point of view will bring a different energy to your song. Feel free to experiment with the point of view in your song- you might just find something amazing.

What about you?  What is the most interesting point of view you've used in one of your songs?  I'd love to hear from you! 

Knowing simple things like this is how you write market-smart songs that have a better chance of getting recorded by a major artist.  If you want to learn more about how to write market-smart songs, I have a great opportunity coming up for you.

In July, I'm hosting Songwriting Pro's "Building A Hit: From Blank Page To Finished Lyric" online workshop series. This 4-week series will help you get your best song ideas ever, write them better than ever, and actually finish them! It's a game-changer. And since it's an online event, it doesn't matter where in the world you live. But space is limited, and the deadline to reserve your spot is Sunday, July 1.



God bless,


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